Fear is one of Satan’s favorite tools to hinder and disrupt our lives and negatively affect our walk in life.
Fear in our lives can stem from many sources, including trauma, abuse, parental neglect,(abandonment, or rejection); and Low self-esteem (from ‘lack of Love’ or acceptance.) Any of these experiences can be the root of fear that can result in a lifestyle of medicating (through drugs, alcohol, sex, etc.), anger and rage, anxiety , depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. Satan will offer these as false solutions to our pain in an attempt to destroy us. But God has provided us with the True, Perfect solution; … The antidote to Fear and its subsequent negative behaviors is: His Love, and Faith in His Word telling us who we are in Christ.
1st John 4:18 says ‘Perfect Love cast out all fear’ . We need to let His love for us heal our wounds, such as those described above. We must meditate on how much he loves us and His forgiveness, so that we can forgive those who wounded us.’ By His wounds we are healed’… 2nd Peter 2;26 This is vital to our healing process. His Love is Always there; He is always with us:.. Romans 8:38.
There is nothing to fear. His love is deeper and wider than we can imagine, because we are His most precious creation. He cares for us and protects us in all our ways. Then, as Christians, we must fully realize Who we really are in Christ, in order to defeat fear. 1st John 4:4 says ‘You already have the Victory , because, The Spirit who lives in you is greater than the Spirit who lives in the World! And, 2ND Timothy 1:7……We have not been given a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of Love, Power, and a Sound mind. You are so loved and accepted by God, that He suffered and died to remove your sins and cleanse you, so that He himself, as the Holy Spirit, could OCCUPY you. You Host
the powerful Presence of the One Who has overcome the World! So your issue, concern, trial, battle, temptation, hindrance, sickness, pain or fear is already defeated by the All- Powerful One living inside of you. The Victory is yours, by allowing the battle to be the Lord’s. Whom shall we fear…’If God is FOR us ,Who can be against us? …’He always causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus’ (Romans 8:37; 8:38.) Also….PSALM 118:6: ‘ The Lord is FOR ME, so I will have no fear.’; And..‘I will NEVER fail you; I will never abandon you.
So, if we meditate on God’s Love (the Cross is a good starting place), Abide in Him (God IS Love),Put our trust in God’s Love (1st John 4:16), and Love others, we will dispel all fears. Anytime fear arises, replace it with these thoughts from the Word. (above). And if You are always conscious of the fact that Jesus living in you Always causes you to win, you will have the courage and confidence to overcome any fear and battle in life. Remember….Fear not! For
God Himself Loves and causes you to win…..Every time